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TRIALOG Conference, 8-11 September 2021

N-Aerus is inviting for a panel for the TRIALOG Conference 2021 taking place virtually in September. The conference “Changing voices? European Civil Society in the Global Urban Development Discourse”  is jointly organized with the IHS, Erasmus University Rotterdam and invites for critically engaging with the role of Europe in discussing and influencing the debate on urban development in the Global South.

The contribution of N-Aerus "An informal debate on the Informal - Different views on concepts and underlying characterization" is an open dialogue on the concept of informality and the role of various institutions in shaping its discourse. In the context of the global pandemic and its impact on slums, a debate on the strengths and limitations of the idea of informality is a timely contribution to reflect on urban development in the Global South.

For more information please contact anthony.boanada-fuchs@unisg.ch

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